
The 2 main functions on a computer are mouse and keyboard. This program allows you to program those 2 functions "as if a person was there". Need to act like you are working? Use the auto clicker. Need to test software over and over to find any bugs? Use the auto clicker. Need to annoy someone using google voice to call a number over and over? Use the auto clicker.
The best thing about the auto clicker is you can use it for personal reasons instead of doing repetitive motions on the computer.

How to use:


1. Move the mouse to where ever you want to click.
2. Press the insert button to copy the x and y cooridantes into the program.
3. Click the "Left Click" or "Right Click" options
4. Press "Add Click Cmd" to add the command to the script, press "Test" if you want to make sure it works.
Note: click the "clear" button if you want movement without any clicks


Type in which keys you want to be pressed.
Click "Add Keyboard CMD" to add the command to the script.
Note: To use the "Enter" button you type {enter}

For More Information

Wait -

To add a pause between mouse clicks and key strokes add a wait command.
Type the number of seconds and click "Add wait CMD"
Note: uses a "sleep" function so it may look like the program is not responding

To run the script you have created press "Run" and every command added to the command list will be executed
Click the "Loop" checkbox to make the script executed until you close the program.
If you are planning to re-use a script you have created save it before running it with a Loop.

AutoClicker is no longer Free